Join Us Now to Protect the Future of Events
The initial objective for this initiative is to align industry support and advance the creation of a Net Zero Pledge for the Events Industry for launch at the time of the COP26 Conference to be held in Glasgow from October 31 to November 12, 2021.
The pledge will set out the process organisations should undertake in order to set a pathway towards net zero by 2050, with emissions reductions by 2030 in line with the Paris Agreement. This will include elements such as measuring direct, indirect and supply chain greenhouse gas emissions; working towards an industry roadmap; and transparent and regular reporting and communications.
The industry roadmap which will be worked on over the following months will identify the commitments required for the reduction and neutralization of event-related GHG emissions. It will highlight those to be addressed both by the industry itself, including the value chain leading up to event delivery, as well as those to be addressed in collaboration with other related sectors such as hospitality and transportation that are an integral part of the overall event experience. It will include some “level settings”, to adapt to the reality of each region and/or size of organization.
How does my organisation get involved?
You can register your interest by filling in the form below.
The initiative is open to companies and other organisations involved in the delivery of events. This includes:
event organisers
convention bureaus
service providers and
Logos of all interested participants are added to this website to show the breadth of support and inspire others to join.
What happens next?
The draft pledge was shared with all those who registered their interest before the end of September – in line with the project timeline – and their feedback was compiled and presented via webinar in early October. Following this consultative process, with over 100 organisations and stakeholders invited to take part, the Net Zero Carbon Events Pledge is now being finalised.
Once you have submitted the form, the team will get in touch to answer any questions you have and to invite you to sign the pledge as soon as it is ready and prior to the official launch of the Pledge at a special event on 10th November within the COP 26 Conference.
We hope that as many organisations as possible sign the pledge but recognize that it may not be appropriate for all as it will focus on ‘event’ operations. Those who do not sign will be able to be involved as supporters of the initiative. All signatories and supporters will have the opportunity to contribute to the various working groups which will drive, among other things, the development of measurement methodologies, the industry roadmap and collaborative initiatives with the wider value chain.